Not sure....just some I had in the drawer. Relatively soft though. They will get painted so a bit of body putty has smoothed out any imperfections.The aluminum fairing are really neat. What alloy did you use? 3003?
A finer grit does give a sheen but it also gives more surface area for paint as it is more etched, just much finer scratches. And even though the 320 may look good a quality paint will show scratches. I would not use a quality paint without having sanded with at least 600-800grit.Question for @Jetpainter ....or anyone with some good fiberglass painting experience. I will be using SEM self-etching primer over the fiberglass, then auto base-coat/clear coat paint. I've been finishing up the bodywork stuff by wet sanding with 320 grit. Should I go finer than 320? It feels and looks butter smooth at this point, but not sure here? If I go finer it starts to get a sheen, so it seems like I'd be loosing some "tooth"?