Terryscustom;11755 wrote: For A123 / LiFe setup I don't think you can beat the Savox 1283's on wings and elevators, 1230 on rudder and a 1257 on the throttle. That gives you 400oz+ on each point, 500oz on rudder and a super fast throttle for 3D. I'm running this same setup in 100cc Viper, 120cc Viper, 70cc EF Extra, 70cc Viper, 120cc PAU Edge and even the new 42% Hyperlite Slick. I have yet to notice any slop because the 1283's have a metal case so the gear pins don't get sloppy.
More info than you asked for, but I've not seen a better setup for the money for non-HV.
Super08;11827 wrote: Tom change out the Hitecs for a test and I bet your problem goes away. The 79xx have a known twitching problem on long leads.
Tseres;12162 wrote: [COLOR= #222222]...........Now to find out how to program 2 aileron wings with the 8FG Super.
Terryscustom;12171 wrote: Step one, install your JR stuff.....LOL, just kidding!!!!
I tried to help a guy with some programming on his Futaba for some simple stuff and I was totally lost. He ended up with four mixes of some sort just to do some simple mixing on a plane with quad ailerons. I just changed to Spektrum DX18 Gen2 and it's even more brain dead simple to set up and match multiple servos.