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3D Farm Huck-O-Ween Oct 22-25


I am using some black glue that is made by Bob Smith. It is supposed to take the place of JB Weld.

On the hunt for 1000WHP


that is some serious looking linkage for a stik....

the BSI IC-2000 looks interesting

It is supposed to do the same as JB Weld. I took off all the other linkages and pulled and twisted on them. Non seemed to be loose.

On the hunt for 1000WHP


I am probably looking forward to night time more than the day. I might have to nap a little each afternoon so I can hold out at night. We all have something to fly at night After drinks. Slow and stable planes. I don't think o would be able to handle any fast planes that late.

On the hunt for 1000WHP