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3DHS 92'' EDGE Build Thread


70cc twin V2
Cool stuff guys! I should be able to fly mine some more this Sunday. About the servo arms and throws, I just re-did my ailerons and was able to get 45 degrees with the 1.5" hole and the outer-most hole on the horn. (same outer hole on my elevator horns using the 1.75" arm holes)


70cc twin V2
Here's what I ended up with on my elevators getting 50 degrees using the outer most horn hole and 1.75" arm hole.

If anyone is interested I'll get you the length of the pushrod. (I didn't record it...just used the calipers to get them the same length.)


  • elevatorgeo1.jpg
    160.1 KB · Views: 316
  • elevatorgeo2.jpg
    149.6 KB · Views: 342
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a couple questions that aren't really answered on 3dhs site that i've made assumptions about. are all the surfaces prehinged? and does it come with ti turnbuckles? wasn't sure what the factory hardware was like was pretty sure its top notch being 3dhs but just checking.
Does anyone know where the best place to get a 4" carbon fiber spinner would be?? 3dhs is out of stock. Also on the 3DHS site it says to use 1.5 on ail and 2" arms on the elevators for max throw


hi huckfin yes it is pre hinged & sealed , yes the hardware is good & also comes with turnbuckles
24X8 falcon


Does anyone know where the best place to get a 4" carbon fiber spinner would be?? 3dhs is out of stock. Also on the 3DHS site it says to use 1.5 on ail and 2" arms on the elevators for max throw

azure hobbies have nice carbon spinners, yes you will get good throws with those arms, i went with 1.75 on the alis to max them out