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3D 3DHS/Extreme Flight Family - 91" Yak 55 - Black


70cc twin V2
Did some more work on it today, Took some photos of the completed horns, they all went in super smooth and came out great, I also finished off my canopy today and took some shots in the sun while it was out, it came out better than expected, next time though I'm going to order some reverse vinyls so i can spray my pilot name directly into the canopy

Worked on the servos for the elevator today, damn those slots are far back, I needed to do a minute bit of filling to get the Pilotrc servos to slot in and I also pushed out the wire hole a tad so it wasn't so squashed up in there, once they were in I dropped a few drops of thin ca around the edges of the screws just for comfort and to ensure they don't back out

Overall elevator servo setup was pretty simple, nothing too hard


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Are you going to be running canisters on the DA 70? The pipe tunnel is a little small to fit my tuned pipe without some modifications. I ended up making more plywood plates for the bottom and cutting out the covering in the belly of the plane for access.


70cc twin V2
I have decided to run Jtec Mufflers instead of a can or pipe, our field does not have any noise restrictions so I am happy to run it on the stock style pipes.


70cc twin V2
So i've found that the ball links in my kit are stiff as all buggery, i know they don't move too much but they are too stiff for my comfort so I am going to swap them out, any suggestions, was thinking Dubro 4-40 Heavy Duty ones

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey @Lojik,

Before you change out your ball links, try a little 3 in 1 oil on them. A buddy at my flying field had the same problem on the ball links form his AJ Slick Laser 300 on Sunday. The 3 in 1 did the trick.

BTW, nice Yak.:yesss:

Ooops, I just noticed you're from the land down under. 3 in 1 oil is the brand name of a light weight machine oil that is sold here in the USA. I'm sure you can find something similar a little closer to home.......LOL


70cc twin V2
would clipper oil be suitable? i have some of that here i can try

Gave it a go, seems to work better now, was able to work the oil in and they are no where near as stiff and i assume over time will loosen up more
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I always just give them a nice gentle squeeze with some needle nose pliers. Been doing it for years with my helicopters. Just do a gentle little bit at a time, if you do too much it will deform the plastic. Works perfectly every time. They also make what's a called a ball link reamer which works great as well, but the squeeze technique is quick and easy.


70cc twin V2
I always just give them a nice gentle squeeze with some needle nose pliers. Been doing it for years with my helicopters. Just do a gentle little bit at a time, if you do too much it will deform the plastic. Works perfectly every time. They also make what's a called a ball link reamer which works great as well, but the squeeze technique is quick and easy.

I can't believe I forgot about that, I used to fly helis a while back and I think i have one of those reamer kits in my toolbox, if the oil trick doesn't work Ill try that, I can't do the squeeze trick on these ones like the helis as the plastic is very thick, about 3 times larger than the heli links


70cc twin V2
Ok I tried the clipper oil (light machine oil) last night and it seemed to have worked, they are not as stiff as before, still a little tight but much better than yesterday, will keep an eye on them


70cc twin V2
Had some spare time today between family stuff so i decided to finish one of the elevator halves to see how the setup would go, I ended up with this, its not your standard setup, servo side is essentially reversed but with the loctited thread inside the metal arm and the washer in place as well as a lock washer I don't think its coming off, I did this as the geometry was all wrong when connected the normal way, too much angle for my OCD to cope with, this way its a very nice angle, almost 90deg.

with the pilot arms and maximum throws without binding i get a good amount of travel, not crazy but looks plenty for this aircraft.


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