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3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

She looks great, although she'll be slower because she's yellow...
Since I've had one before so I know what to expect, and they're great flying planes. I had battery failure (open connection inside) on my maiden of SV3 yesterday, so I've gotta get some new gear and a new prop on her before the next flight. Might also need some new motor bearings.
Also, I'm throwing out the zippy compact 4s 2700 25c batteries I've been using.
I bought them around 9 months ago before I began my HK embargo, and they haven't lasted long. Only 23 flights per pack, and I've already had 3/8 develop an open connection within the pack where the leads are soldered to the cells. Junk if you ask me.
As soon as epbuddy gets some 4s glaciers back in stock, I'll get some new ones, until then, my Vyper is grounded :(

I just ordered two 4s 4000's from them Sunday night. You might wanna check up on stock!


thinking about selling some of it, to fund a nice balsa 3d, when im ready. or could get one sooner and stare and drool at it, till im ready :bouncy:


GSN Contributor


Just Do It
Those batteries rock! I've been conducting a long term review on them in my 70 inchers, and they really preform well.

The 4s batts (http://epbuddy.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=22_23&products_id=361) are still out of stock, and he's getting some new ones int he 2600-2700 size range. I just picked up some Haiyin batts from ExileHobby in the mean time :)


How about that Gary, I just PM'd you about this. Glad to hear Dale is getting in some 4S in the 26-2700 size.


70cc twin V2
3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

Christmas came early! Just purchased a NIB Fantasy Blue Slick, 89"!! It was meant to be!