ha! yea poke'n fun is well fun

your just lucky i dont know any Swedish jokes(may have to look up some hehe) but on the guy i went to school. i dont think he was all that poor, reason i felt sorry for him is the whole dad=grandad thing. it was kinda well known and he got made fun of.
just from pictures and video ive seen, the rural areas of the Nordic regions reminds me alot like WV, well not the snow and ice part LOL. i would very much like to visit.
theres not a whole lot of money here but thanks to entitlement programs and government handouts most people here arent really suffering. Alot are dependent on the government. just glad im not in that boat. if we/when we ever have a collapse im pretty confident ill be able to take care of my family. we are "preppers" and have been living that lifestyle for quite some time, WAY before i was cool to be one LOL.
pretty self sufficient, stockpile and been living a survialist mentailty for awhile now. Im sure well have to take care of some friends and family that are government dependent. what is sad around here is there is alot of "system workers" that get those entitlements. people that are more than capable of being self sufficient and able to work. most are addicted to pills or meth get a medical card, get scripts for pain pills for free and turn around and sell them for $1000+ each time. and they are around my age and younger with kids. whats really scary is the kids today, growning up in those enviroments, when they become adults. wow.
sorry for all that lol. its the conservative in me lol