Good trade Gyro! You need more time on a Velox anyways, it's one of my favorite planes. I love my 71 Slick too, but damn I REALLY like the Velox!
See, that's why I'm excited. I didn't want to sell the velox, I'd only gotten 4 flights on her... darn wife made me do it!
Now, I'm getting it back, trading my electric 70" slick for it, and putting together a gas 71" Slick. I'm very happy!
I do notice however that there are some differences in how the 70/71" Slicks fly, compared to the 89" I have. Seems like the smaller birds carry a little more energy. Now, gotta figure out when else can go, so I can get an engine and servos for the 71" Gasser.
The energy is probably because you have an 8s setup on your 70 and a dle 55 on the 89. A 60cc could sway that opinion!
I see you're getting into the dark side of gasoline! I would love a 30cc but I've read/ heard too many nightmares with those small gas engines. I'm not experienced enough in gas to even attempt it now.
Dle 30
Dle 30
The energy is probably because you have an 8s setup on your 70 and a dle 55 on the 89. A 60cc could sway that opinion!
I see you're getting into the dark side of gasoline! I would love a 30cc but I've read/ heard too many nightmares with those small gas engines. I'm not experienced enough in gas to even attempt it now.
Are you suggesting that 50cc and larger is less headache?
I bought a DLE20 for the simple purpose of learning gas and it has been a bear for me to get tuned. I have read and tried all the different how to's on tuning, but have not had great luck. I have been thinking of 'throwing in the towel' on gas and just staying electric but if I understand your comment-- the larger the easier?