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Man I wish we could have made it for your Huckfest there at your home field, but with the wife's knee surgery and Iassac we were just covered up, had all intentions and plans on attending.

Sadly I will be back at sea for the ARCA Hucktoberfest and I'll miss that one too.:mad: Duty calls though. We will save you a couple for the next time we meet up! Glad to hear your stones aren't bothering you too much. Had me worried a bit.

Think the wife is signing up as I type this, had to help her find how to add her avatar.
I figured I'd take the conversation here to keep from cluttering the new member's thread. It's all good Gerald. I completely undestand ya'lls absence. I wish the circumstances were more in ya'lls favor. As for the stones, I'm hoping that was a one time deal. I wouldn't say it was rough, but that had to be the worst pain I've ever experienced. Thank God it was only a few hours of it. Once that Dilaudid hit the veins, it was easily tolerable. Had a bit of pain for a couple hours the next day and then it just stopped out of nowhere, and that was it. Out it came. I know too many guys that go through that regularly and I don't want any part of it. The FAA doesn't want you flying if you have reoccurring stones either, so fingers crossed I never have another. I hate that you can't make it to ARCA either. Work is what it is. It causes me to miss a bunch of events too, but it also pays for the toys. We'll catch up somewhere. I'll keep a pack of Red Bulls in the fridge and a green bottle in the freezer for when we do. :)