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3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

Y'all are making me hungry!!
No more burners for me. I bought a Green Egg all natural lump hard wood and no petroleum products. Makes the meat taste sooo much better.


hay everyone, Just wanted to vent. Been on vacation all week, and did some flying. Sounds good [except] the way it started out, I could not seem to fly without crashing. after dumb- thumbing my addiction x , the motor ripped out of my little 40" foam Yak wile trying to hover at 30 + feet. Sooo !I rebuilt the little Yak again for the um-teenth time. I bought the Yak used with ? crashes on it,and have crashed it many times trying to learn 3D. This poor little plane has been seriously abused,and I just glue it back together and go fly. The Addiction on the other hand has had 3 crashes in a very few flights [can't seem to do anything 3D with this plane] so it is in the garbage. I think it was Joe or Jim Smith that said he thought this plane may be to light. [I agree] The way the week started I'm glad I was not flying my 3DHS EDGE 540. I think I will finish out the week flying my epp bipe. haven't crashed that [yet] Ha Ha !!!
Thank's for letting me vent.
vacation is still better than work


hay everyone, Just wanted to vent. Been on vacation all week, and did some flying. Sounds good [except] the way it started out, I could not seem to fly without crashing. after dumb- thumbing my addiction x , the motor ripped out of my little 40" foam Yak wile trying to hover at 30 + feet. Sooo !I rebuilt the little Yak again for the um-teenth time. I bought the Yak used with ? crashes on it,and have crashed it many times trying to learn 3D. This poor little plane has been seriously abused,and I just glue it back together and go fly. The Addiction on the other hand has had 3 crashes in a very few flights [can't seem to do anything 3D with this plane] so it is in the garbage. I think it was Joe or Jim Smith that said he thought this plane may be to light. [I agree] The way the week started I'm glad I was not flying my 3DHS EDGE 540. I think I will finish out the week flying my epp bipe. haven't crashed that [yet] Ha Ha !!!
Thank's for letting me vent.
vacation is still better than work


I also think the addiction is too lightly built. I hope you can still get some good flying in while you are on vacation.


GSN Contributor
3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

hay everyone, Just wanted to vent. Been on vacation all week, and did some flying. Sounds good [except] the way it started out, I could not seem to fly without crashing. after dumb- thumbing my addiction x , the motor ripped out of my little 40" foam Yak wile trying to hover at 30 + feet. Sooo !I rebuilt the little Yak again for the um-teenth time. I bought the Yak used with ? crashes on it,and have crashed it many times trying to learn 3D. This poor little plane has been seriously abused,and I just glue it back together and go fly. The Addiction on the other hand has had 3 crashes in a very few flights [can't seem to do anything 3D with this plane] so it is in the garbage. I think it was Joe or Jim Smith that said he thought this plane may be to light. [I agree] The way the week started I'm glad I was not flying my 3DHS EDGE 540. I think I will finish out the week flying my epp bipe. haven't crashed that [yet] Ha Ha !!!
Thank's for letting me vent.
vacation is still better than work

Sorry you've had some crashing troubles, but at least you seem in good spirits about it all. Hang in there, we've all gone through one of those periods.

What size is your 3dhs edge? If its the 41" or 48", then you've got a perfect plane to learn and practice 3d on.
What gear did you have in the addy-x?


3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

Hey man, flying and crashing is still better than not flying. :D

PS: The gear from the Addiction will fit a 48" EPP Extra.......


70cc twin V2
3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

Sorrry about your crashes. Ive had those days and they do suck.
I love sweet potato mash like your wife made Gyro. Some of my fav grub.
Im at kids field day this morning and wind is dead. Perfect for flying. Lol