Field trip to the Fly Low just got approved by our PrincipalApproval was tough because it was only the 3rd day of school. We'll be there on Friday morning. I'm not sure how many students will go because they will be providing their own transportation. It was too early in the school year to get a bus. I'll be bringing the trainers so if anyone needs an "orientation" flight you'll see us on the electric flight line. I'm really looking forward to this fly low!
well, looks like i will be making the trip this year. super excited, although not looking forward to the almost 12 hour drive. my dad thinks he will be making it was well...heard rumors a hillbilly may be making the trip too
Erik, that is a long drive...mine will be 9 hours. FYI, I'm really hoping to have that EF 60" Extra pieced back together for the FLI....Looking forward to seeing you there.
I'm just not going to be able to make this one...major bummer.
Less than 4 for me. Much better than the over 11 to Ohio.
My trip will be at least 14 hrs. I'm very excited.
SnowDog, I'm pretty sure we met at last year's Cape Girardeau FLI and I look forward to meeting everyone again. It's been a rough year, I've only been able to fly literally a handful of times since. As daunting as a 14-hr drive seems right now, I really AM excited. I've never been to Tennessee and I really want to see the area. I've just finished a 74" Edge, I may just do the maiden there.
Well, enough of a break for me - I've got another hour or so of work to do before I go to bed and 4am comes early.