Man that sucks! I vote for the new airframe. Get a fresh start. But then I'm biased since I'm disgusted with one of mine right now because of a couple of deadsticks from unknown causes. It's not on your scale since it's a 60cc airplane, (my Carf Extra) and even though I love the airplane I'm so disgusted with it I have no intention of repairing the damage from last weekend until winter.
It seemed to be running great a minute or so into the first flight last Sunday when I pulled into a vertical climb and it suddenly sounded blubbering rich for a second. It seemed to clear up and then died at half throttle. I was able to head back to the field and make an approach that would normally be fine, but since there was no wind and no prop drag it just sailed right by me a couple feet off the ground missed the field, went over the road at the end of our field about a foot high and hit some beans about 4 feet tall. It sounded horrible, but all it did was break a wheel pant and break the gear plate loose. Being a composite airplane with the gear plate buried in a bad spot I need to strip everything out of the airplane to get to it. No where near the damage on yours, but why fix it if I can't rely on the GP61.