GSN Contributor
only problem with the canopy the notches on the canopy doesn't want to go into the holes in the firewall very well at all. they are just barely on there, which puts stress on the canopy and the canopy latch, plus in the back of my mind ill be worried about the canopy ejected at some point.
im running atm a sunnysky 2820-800 (140 gram) ZTW b series 65amp esc 13x6.5 xoar, and glaciers/nanotech 4s 2600. lipos all read under 3 on IR reading on my PL6. I was a tad nose heavy .
the firewall looks kinda warped, especially towards the top.
oh yea btw the nanotechs came with the plane. Just thought I should clarify so I don't tarnish my "haven't bought a single thing from HOBBYKING" record
I can personally vouch that the sunnysky 2820-800 on 4s with 13x6.5 puts out tons of power.