I use a turnigy aerodrive sk3 5045 500kv motor on 6s 3300 with castle creations phoenix ice 75 esc and 15x8APC in my 64" exf MXS. power combo is great! motor hardly warms up, max amp draw Ive ever logged was a quick spike at 68(full throttle vertical pullout of a waterfall), usually never hits more than 60 on the high end, Anyway.. motor was $45 ... made in the same factory as torque... same specs as the torque .. I use the sk3 motors in every electric I have, never had an issue.. very well built motors, you're paying for a motor not a name.. I strongly recommend everyone to try them, not the cheap standard turnigy ones ONLY the sk3 line ... but ALWAYS a good quality ESC behind them, have had ok luck with turnigy trust series esc on smaller cheap planes but can't bring myself to trust them on larger ones