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Scale 50% Christen Eagle full scale exclusiv-kit


ok another part for the 100% EAGLES and also for the 50% EAGLE exclusiv kit is done.
The Wing attachment streamlined washers.
We use a special and strong PU material to produce such small parts very quick.
A few more parts are done with this technique in this special EAGLE kit. For the 100 %Eagles
and Pitts´ aircraft we are milling the parts directly in Aluminum-Aloy.



Some news before christmas from the 3D-lab.
The produced data for the cowling,canopy,wheelpants are perfect.
Next step is to design the mould data in the CAD for milling the plugs or moulds.

I wish all the EAGLE exclusiv-Kit thread readers merry christmas and do not forget
your family and your wife/girlfriend to thank for the patience and tolerance
for aviation enthusiastics.


ace 7038

I must say this is an incredibly kit you are putting together.

I included a picture of my brother's Eagle Talon. It is a single seat, similar to the one' flown by the Christen Eagle team but with different wings and different tail.

Your 100% eagle looks gorgeous. Really liked the paint scheme on the black as opposed to white one!


  • 100_2040.JPG
    123.6 KB · Views: 593


Awesome Thomas, I would be interested to learn more about the full size eagle and if the 50% is available now as a kit?


sorry for late reply - we have a lot of work in all parts of my company -
This exclusiv EAGLE KIT is our project from TL-aircraft parts and services in Germany which is my company.
We are manufacturing and developping and engeneering parts for EAGLE aircraft and also developping a kind of a
new TL-EAGLE kit in 100% scale with all the latest technology things. The 50% scale EAGLE exclusiv Kit is still in
progress to finish the final 4 testbuilds before lounch to the oficial market. I hope we can push it the next months
but we don´t have enough people in the company with that skills to bring it to a perfect kit in the end - so its my job
and my baby ! It is no problem to produce kits in the End for the world wide orders but its another job to
create such a kit. For me its important to have a absolut perfect result .
