Yeah, yeah, yeah, I had to do give someone else a hard time to take my mind off things. . . . . .

Anyway, yesterday is gone and soon to be forgotten. I went to my Buddy's house and pulled out all of the pieces to build the wing jig. Then I put the jig together.
Then, as you can see I laid out all the ribs. You can also see the ribs I had to double up and add doublers to Rib W3 for the end of the wing tube. The wing jig is nice. The instructions tell you to assemble the jig with all of the part labels facing you and you build the left wing panel upside down in the jig. Then, after the left panel is done, you unscrew the blocks in the corner of the jig, turn the pieces of the jig around so the text is facing away from you. Then you screw the blocks back in the corners then build the right wing panel upside down in the jig. It's a slick little system. The biggest concern I have at this point is getting a little to heavy handed with the CA and accidently gluing the wing to the jig. I am using slow thick CA, so as long as I'm careful, it shouldn't be a problem.
In this picture, you can see the horizontal leading edge piece inserted in grooves in the ribs and pushed all the way back so the front of the piece is even with the front of the ribs. What you cannot see is that I accidently broke the horizontal piece on the right side of the fifth rib from the left in the bottom picture. . . .

. I cannot see that this will cause any problems whatsoever, because, as you can see the vertical leading edge backer interlocks with the horizontal piece between every rib for the full length of the wing.
Unfortunately, this is where progress stopped and my blood pressure went up considerably. . . .

The next step in the instructions was to install two 1/4" x 1/2" x 48" long basswood spars in the large notches you see in the tops of all the ribs. As you all have probably guessed by now, the basswood spars were not in the box of wood. What's worse is that as I was digging through the box, I found about 20 sticks missing of various sizes and wood types. . . . .

. The most disappointing fact is that I know darn well every piece was in the box when I sent I took it to my (so called) friends house for him to build the kit for me. As it turned out, he was working on a plane he was building so I guess he figured he needed my wood worse than I did. . . . . .

I will end my rant with this statement. There aren't many things that upset me more than people who don't mind taking advantage of someone else. I am now off my soap box.
So, unfortunately, I have no more progress to show for last night. I hope my LHS has the stock I need to allow me to continue with wing construction next Monday night, but I'm a little concerned because all of the missing sticks were 48" long.. . . . .
@Snoopy1, thanks for the picture reminder. I like what you did with your ailerons, but that may not possible for me. The ailerons and flaps on the 50cc size are flat stock and not built up. Adding the little piece near the fuselage won't be the problem, but the outboard ends might be.
Thanks for following along Fellas. Until next week,
Take care everyone.