If you think it looks big now, wait until you get the rest of it covered. . . . . .

I sure am glad someone can make time to post in this thread. . . . . . .

. It's too bad the person doing the posting isn't me. . . . . .

. I haven't touched any plane of mine since last fall. I haven't even flown anything yet this year and here it is the end of May. The way things are working out for me as of right now, I don't know when I will be able to get back to mine. I 'm not ready to put the build on "indefinite hold", but it's going to be at least fall before I can get back to it, if then. Since I've had everything I need to fly my AMR, I went ahead and got the Great Planes Giant Stick XL ARF thinking I could get it together pretty quickly, so that is what I'm going to do.
Good luck with the covering job on your AMR. I cannot wait to see it finished. . . . . .
Take care,