Hey Bob,
I have an Aerobeez Like airframe. I say "Aerobeez Like" because although it is not an AEROBEEZ specifically, it is basically the same thing. Replacement cowl was ordered from Aerobeez when I changed the exhaust to canister. Perfect match and perfect color scheme match. Last year I put my 50cc Slick together with a DLE 55cc. This airframe did in fact have aluminum angle supports. My understanding, one of a couple of upgrades that the company attached to the airframe requested which set it apart from Aerobeez. Anyway, that being said...Mine does have aluminum angle supports. I am not sure I would fly anything with a 55cc or above without some sort of strengthening in place on the firewall. I mean if it were going to be a circle burner or it's a warbird, you'd probably be more than ok. But with a high energy airframe, I just don't think it wise to be without the support. I truly have seen motors "launched" and motors "dropped" and motors breaking free from airframes while still in flight. Not worth the possible loss of an airframe in my opinion.