I wish!Thanks. I figured that's what you did but thought you might have a trick to it or something.
I wish!
I finally got around to spraying the black and clear on my cowl today. I was going to do it yesterday, but got talked into putting a drive axle in one of my brothers cars in the afternoon and it turned into a real pain.
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For most of the cowl I used 3M blue painters tape and cut my squares out with a sharp X-Acto. Those lines turned out pretty nice. The front edge was done with blue Fine Lines tape masked by hand, and the results weren't quite as good. The good thing was I was able to take an X-Acto and very carefully scrape the tiny screw ups and straighten out everything.That looks absolutely great nice work. And I looked as hard as can at the pictures to see if there was any bleed on the taping could not find one that's good. Like to know how you did that please give a small how to on that. Thanks.
A Dave Brown classic! I used to paint a lot of airplanes for people before the world went to ARF's.Hey Doug,
That cowl looks AWESOME.! ! ! ! . . . . .. When/if I ever get my Illusion built, I'll have to send it to you so can paint it. . . . .