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60" Laser-EXP

I am having a terrible time lining up the cowl on this plane after drilling it. Are there any tips to finding the holes in the wood tabs?


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Get one screw started on the top or bottom of each side. Then you can rock the free floating part back and forth to line up a third hole. Once you have three started the fourth is usually pretty easy.


GSN Contributor
I am having a terrible time lining up the cowl on this plane after drilling it. Are there any tips to finding the holes in the wood tabs?

I've found over time that using popsicle sticks to mark the openings works well. Here are instructions and some pics from my previous builds/posts on this subject:

First, tape some popsicle sticks parallel to the fuse, extending over the tabs. Then, drill the openings through the sticks that you intend to use:

Then, simple slide the cowl into the position you like, underneath the popsicle sticks, and align with the fuse and motor. Then tape it down so it doesn't move. Finally, simply re-drill through the same holes in the popsicle sticks.


That's it! you've got a perfect cowl!
Thanks for that trick! I have everything drilled but what about about after everything is removed. The wood is so soft that if you miss when putting the screws back you can easily make a new hole not even realizing it.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Soak the tabs with thin ca. Also, you should be able to visually see that your screws are lined up with the holes before you screw them in.
I have had a 42inch and 48 balsa before and have never had a problem taking the cowl on and off but the laser is so hard. I have done this twice now before the plane has ever been flown and its really bothering me.


Don't know if I posted this pic already. I folded my stabs a few months back...

Any one have a NIB yellow stab?


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