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3D 92" aeroplus edge from pro-rc


70cc twin V2
i had some spare hitec 7954's that I pulled out of my 104' slick and sent in for repairs. Then I won a free kcs 62cc motor. So I guess it's build a new plane this fall. http://www.pro-rc.ca/aeroplus-92-edge-540-v3-60cc-red-blue-white-pre-order/ I havnt heard from kcs in a week or so. So I don't know when I'm going to receive the motor lol. I havnt decided on wether to run the motor on a hype can or hype pipe from pro-rc. The cans sound as nice as a pipe but the pipes are so cheap you may as well spend the extra 60$ ish to go for the gusto. I've had planebender pipes and their extremely good quality and performance but the pro-rc pipe is half the price and just as good a performance or better. Any thoughts on if I need or should go with a pipe is welcome. http://www.pro-rc.ca/pro-rc-hype-pipe-60-120cc-tune-pipe/ or http://www.pro-rc.ca/pro-rc-canister/ I will be using a kuzu tank the hitec servos. Rcxl optikill (been using them for three years no issues and only 19$ can lol) two zippy compact 1000mah 2s packs. A booma rc pin flag batt share switch (been wanting to try one of these for a while) falcon cf 24/9 prop. 6 star aluminum spinner. I coulda waited till the motor showed up, and the servos should be back from hitec in a week or so but I was bored lol. If kcs runs into issues and I don't get the motor no big deal. Lorne always has eme or gp in stock. And if I felt like real crazy bling mvvs is there too. And no I don't work for prorc or am I sponsored I'm just a friend and the club I fly at is right at the shop lol.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I have an older 50cc Yak nib, a clean used DA 50 I bought a yr or 2 ago, and some misc servos. Someday I need to put all that together and fly it.

Good looking plane, keep us posted.


70cc twin V2
No time like the present lol. I takes me a while to build sorry assemble in the fall. Because I work 21 and 3 lots. So my days off are spent mostly with the family. But if I get to work around home then I get more garage time.


70cc twin V2
Well I missed dhl today and the wife wasn't home. I hope to catch them tomorrow so I can go see how this motor compares on the stand to gp,eme,da,Mvvs,3w. My buddies have done extensive testing on all the 50-60cc class motors and charted them for reference to make life easy.


Damn I'm hungry
Glad you won that engine so please do compare. I hear it's a DA 60 clone:rolleyes:.

Don't feel bad about slow assembly times either.lol

Run the canister for 3D. Run the pipe if you just want to try and rip the wings off LoL.


70cc twin V2
I will probably do the pro-Rc hype can. These motors don't need more power in a 60cc airframe. But I want to test it just to see what it will do on a hype pipe lol. Got a couple pics from the guys who received theirs today. They put some thought into it for looks that's for sure. Walbro card. Rcxl ign but not the standard one. Pitts muffler. Standoffs. Da 60 mount pattern.SQUARE exhaust lol


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70cc twin V2
I will be using the gp-61 testing for my comparison
If it starts to beat the gp then I will move to the da 50 spread sheet lol. After it has some time on the motor then I will recheck the sheet. I only have a month and a half left to fly up here in igloo country lol. So I doubt it will fly till spring. But you never know. At least I can get it running on the test stand once I receive it.


70cc twin V2
And dimes I have a prototype that I'm testing that's similar to a name brand motor at the moment already wink wink


70cc twin V2
Motor arrived today. Now I just need my servos back from hitec should be here within a week. The dumbass dhl driver threw it over the rail onto my deck and ran. Everything looks fine though lol


70cc twin V2
I'm impressed so far. Runs good quality looks good. I'm seeing once this motor breaks in a 24/8 will not be enough prop for it since only after three 2-3 min runs its at 7030. I decided that I will be going all out and putting a hype pipe on it muhahaha. Here's some pics of the internals. The carb is a 246 walbro. Carbon fiber throttle arm


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