@Aerobeez put up a sweet deal on this model for the 3drcforums Monday deal and I could not resist. I was a day late but they were happy to still give me the deal -- thanks guys! The color scheme is great and 30cc is a good place to start for my first gasser. The Sbach is a great choice for me too -- I live halfway to space (>7000ft) so the more wing area the better. I am also really lousy with huge aileron surfaces so these wee little guys should keep my dumb thumbs from rolling this bird into the dirt.
It came packed very well -- no complains there. Thick cardboard, everything wrapped and tape suspended nicely.

The only blemish was some white gunk in front of the stab. The sticker sheet had curled up and separated too, but meh I probably wouldn't use them anyway.

A quick test fit of everything -- I loooove this color scheme.

More to come!
@Aerobeez put up a sweet deal on this model for the 3drcforums Monday deal and I could not resist. I was a day late but they were happy to still give me the deal -- thanks guys! The color scheme is great and 30cc is a good place to start for my first gasser. The Sbach is a great choice for me too -- I live halfway to space (>7000ft) so the more wing area the better. I am also really lousy with huge aileron surfaces so these wee little guys should keep my dumb thumbs from rolling this bird into the dirt.
It came packed very well -- no complains there. Thick cardboard, everything wrapped and tape suspended nicely.

The only blemish was some white gunk in front of the stab. The sticker sheet had curled up and separated too, but meh I probably wouldn't use them anyway.

A quick test fit of everything -- I loooove this color scheme.

More to come!
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