New 4" CF spinner installed.
I have a 20oz Fourtitude tank that's going in it too at some point this week. Probably won't get any stick time in the next few weeks because we're headed to JOE NALL in a few days here!!!!
Some pictures from this weekend, prior to getting the spinner. Tried 2 flights with the SFG's and 2 flights without. My airplane is still a bit nose-heavy so it's difficult to really gauge exactly how they affect it but what I can say is that the SFG's make the airplane a lot more stable in high speed flight. It tracks much cleaner, pop top spins are wicked, it'll practically hold wide open knife edge flight with a light touch of rudder.
Inverted harrier was where I saw them affect the airplane negatively. It felt more wobbly and unstable and really wanted to roll out, but like I said it's still nose heavy so that could have everything to do with it. High alpha knife edge flight was very stable, and it will turn in either direction without rolling out.
I'm looking forward to flying it more this coming Saturday, if I go flying at all.