Defender of the Noob!
ahhh, sorry about that, i read it like you thought we were hiding something by separating the two communities.Bart,
The point was that they are different and I think you guys are right to do that. At least that what I learned in marketing!! LOL
i think that as a community we need to be very careful about rejecting multi-rotor helicopter flyers from the ranks of the AMA. Were there to be a representation turf-war due to the rise of some new group that represents only multi-rotor helicopters, we could see the AMA lose influence making it harder for them to represent their more traditional members.
we all seem to forget that someone somewhere doesn't like what we do. some fields don't like control-line, others love it right there alongside RC. some fields don't like fueled engines, some don't like 3D, helicopters annoy some field i fly at has a guy that sets up glider winches up and down the runway and he practices his competition flying around the perimeter of the field.
so why act like multi-rotor helicopters aren't aeromodeling?
they're new, yes
they're different, yes
they can be boring to fly, yes
uninformed users are making a lot of problems for traditional RC flyers, yes
they are RC, yes
you can do cool stuff with them, yes
they have created a huge amount of business for RC related shops, yes
they can make the AMA stronger by attracting new members, yes
multi-rotor pilots usually do other RC stuff, yes
can you see where i'm going? IT'S ALL AEROMODELING and it's to our benefit, even if you don't love them, to have multi-rotor heli flyers in the AMA and to have the AMA as the body representing all RC's good for everyone!
I'm sorry if some people disagree but it's not unusual to see new RC activities being shunned by AMA members, 3D flyers went through it, now the multi-rotor guys have to prove they can learn to play nice in the sand-box and they'll be part of the club soon enough.