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Scale Balsa USA 1/3 Scale Super Cub Kit " NIB "


70cc twin V2
I went ahead and removed the bottom half of Former F4. In the full scale plane this is wide open, and in my model, it wasn't doing much for support anyway. Removing it will help in scale factor as well as electronics planning. I did add some more cross members and diagonal pieces to the bottom of the fuselage for strength since removing this. In the full scale plane there's a cross member behind the back seat, and so I'll put that in when it's time. Essentially recreating the same strength that was there before.


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70cc twin V2
Here are a few clean pics of the fuselage.


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70cc twin V2
I had an epiphany last night. I started thinking about how I was going to get the servo wiring to the wings from the rear of the cabin. In the L-21 cub there are support members that run diagonally from the bottom of the fuse to the wings. Originally I was going to use wooden dowels, but today I bought 1/2" PVC so I can run my servo wires without them being exposed. The 1/2" PVC is a little bit bigger than probably the scale tubes, but it will look good and function properly. The aft cabin behind the back seat is open with a plywood flooring, so I'm going to have to a base board with my electronics, and then a false flooring about it. Really light ply (1/16") and I'll try to stain it. Servo wires that have to run forward will go below the cabin floor as well.


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70cc twin V2
One thing I'm going to work on design-wise this week is deciding on access to the forward part of the fuselage. One thing that's always bothered me is not being able to access certain parts of my models, and I'm sure as heck not going to build myself out of my own plane. So... that idea is coming together.


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70cc twin V2
I'm definitely making this a bush plane and want large tires on it. I've been looking and looking for some kind of balloon tires in the 10" - 12" range but haven't been too successful. I've found Airtop balloon tires, which are 200mm, and that's a little bit small... around 7.5". My best bet looks like ordering the Bill Hempel 60% cub wheels, which are solid foam. They weigh about 2lbs each I think. I wonder if that's going to work? I guess we'll see!

For power, I'm going to order the EME 70 twin. I was going to use a DA 70, but it's too wide for the cowling at 10.5 +/-". The EME is only 9.25 from spark plug cap to spark plug cap, and that seems like it'll fit perfectly.


One thing I'm going to work on design-wise this week is deciding on access to the forward part of the fuselage. One thing that's always bothered me is not being able to access certain parts of my models, and I'm sure as heck not going to build myself out of my own plane. So... that idea is coming together.

Good looking build you have. I am to the point of covering mine. One idea on your tank access is to cut a half moon in the sheeting on the top forward deck where it will be covered by the cowl. Seen it on the internet somewhere, I'll look for the pic again.

Another thing to remember with your wing tube is the wing will have some dihedral in it so don't match all your ribs up and drill with a press.


70cc twin V2
Good looking build you have. I am to the point of covering mine. One idea on your tank access is to cut a half moon in the sheeting on the top forward deck where it will be covered by the cowl. Seen it on the internet somewhere, I'll look for the pic again.

Another thing to remember with your wing tube is the wing will have some dihedral in it so don't match all your ribs up and drill with a press.

I like the idea of creating an opening in the front so that the cowling covers it. I may do that. I also was looking at a Hangar 9 taildragger... I forgot the name, but it has a panel underneath that can be removed... that might work too. It has to work with the aluminum work, so I need to study it a little.

I saw another thread where the guy drilled the ribs a little over-sized and installed the tubes.... then mounted the wings and struts and using some round light ply rings and glued the tubes in place. I may do that... I wonder how you figure out where the tube will hit each rib due to dihedral?


GSN Contributor
Here is how I did my BUSA 1/4 scale cub. Hatch on the bottom of the forward fuse. Hatch on the front of the cockpit area that had the power switch mounted to it. Hidden aileron servos and arms so all you can see is where it exits the wings and connects to the ailerons. Tail servos in the tail with a hatch for access.

Balsa USA Cub 045.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 046.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 048.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 049.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 051.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 054.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 062.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 085.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 130.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 135.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 136.JPG
Balsa USA Cub 155.JPG