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Scale Balsa USA 1/3 Scale Super Cub Kit " NIB "


70cc twin V2
Made some progress the past couple of days. The tail feathers are now mounted. It was a bit of a slow process just because of all the measuring, re-measuring, and re-measuring. haha!

I started out with the horizontal stabilizer. It requires both a long machine screw and epoxy to set the brass center tube in place. I clipped it in place and then used both a tape measure as well as a piece of dacron and a T-pin to check to make sure it was perfectly centered. (same distance from tip to tip to center point on the fuselage.

The instructions are a little vague on this part but looking at the plans, reading the book, and just double checking everything I got it done. Right now the stabs are held in with small nuts and bolts, but I will end up epoxying them in place probably after covering. I'm even thinking about drilling into the dowels and adding some kind of heavy wire spar. I'm not sure if that's an overkill, or even doable. Just a thought.


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70cc twin V2
Now that I have the tail of the fuselage aligned properly, I permanently mounted the fin. Since I had to re-do the tail, I had to sand down the tip even, and added a little shim to get the fin mounted just right. I measured the plans to see how high from the stab plate the fin should be, and it ended up being perfect the way I built it. So that was nice. I epoxied it in place and just need to add the little bit that ties into the stringer.


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70cc twin V2
The next step was to complete the top piece of the door. I framed it up inside the space on the fuselage so it would fit perfectly. I got this idea from another thread, and it worked really well.


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70cc twin V2
One thing that I had to do was build the leading edge of the rudder up a little with my wood filler. The laminated parts match the fin if there's no gap, but of course there will be about 1/8" of a gap after the hinges are installed, so I built it up with the filler a little at time over several hours. I let it dry overnight all the way before I mounted the rudder with a shim for hinge space and sanded it down to match the fin. Once the hinges are installed I'll do some final fill and sanding, and probably use some thinned epoxy or something to really harden it up before covering.


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70cc twin V2
With the exception of a few things, the fuselage construction has come to an end as far as the instruction book is concerned, however, the customizing is just beginning. I ordered my wing tubes and sockets this week, and they are really critical to finishing up the interior of the fuselage because the diagonal support members that pass along the L-21 windows will tie into them. This happens on the full scale plane, and will also be helpful for wiring since I'm using PVC. They should arrive from Jtec this next week. Then I can build the wings!!

This month, financially I really need to focus on my IMAC bird, so for construction purposes I'm using old servos to get the mounts completed, and drawing out my spaces for electronics. Once I have the wing tube sockets installed in the fuse, I'll paint the inside of the fuselage.

I cut the back seat to match the full scale plane, and I have a plan for having it removable with 2 screws. One of my major goals to make all my electronics hidden, but easily accessible.

Here's a photo of my PAU Extra 300 with my new graphics from B&E! The graphics are based off of the Ferrari Formula 1 car. I wanted a scheme that included the PAU factory colors... It's never been flown, and I can not wait!!! By the way, that's my living room... my planes are outgrowing my living quarters! Haha!


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70cc twin V2
Here are a few progress photos of the fuselage to date! I really love this plane, and if you haven't built a model from scratch I would highly recommend it! I definitely see what the guys that build all the time are talking about. It's going to be a great day to get this baby in the air!


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