3DRCF Moderator
How's it going guy's,
So Im curious, does anyone make a battery tray for airplanes? If so where can I get one. Or is this something you have to custom make yourself? I have an idea for a tray that would slide forward and backwards so you can change your cg as you like, just don't have the means to make it myself. Although I do have a friend that has a machine shop at his house and might be able to help me out. If you have any idea's, post them up and I will discuss them with him as well. Who know's maybe between us all we might come up with something that works really good. He's done some work for me in the past and has done very well. Although it was for my Heli not a plane, but don't think that matters. Below is a few pic's of an idea I had to better mount an RX Satellite on my Trex 600, I didn't like the mounting options or lack of options that come stock on this bird. Turned out very nice and wound up putting one on my 700 as well.
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So Im curious, does anyone make a battery tray for airplanes? If so where can I get one. Or is this something you have to custom make yourself? I have an idea for a tray that would slide forward and backwards so you can change your cg as you like, just don't have the means to make it myself. Although I do have a friend that has a machine shop at his house and might be able to help me out. If you have any idea's, post them up and I will discuss them with him as well. Who know's maybe between us all we might come up with something that works really good. He's done some work for me in the past and has done very well. Although it was for my Heli not a plane, but don't think that matters. Below is a few pic's of an idea I had to better mount an RX Satellite on my Trex 600, I didn't like the mounting options or lack of options that come stock on this bird. Turned out very nice and wound up putting one on my 700 as well.
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