My Buddy, Chris Watkins picked one up from me at Nall. He has had extensive experience with the "other" gyros and has been putting this purchase off for a while now due to the cost.
I can't wait to get his feedback after he tries a "real" gyro



Yeah, [MENTION=13]C_Watkins[/MENTION], it's about time! Let us know what you think!
Ok, but I don't know about having 'extensive' experience with the other ones

The vast majority of my models haven't had gyros, but they have always interested me.
I've just played around with them on a couple models, mainly with the included receiver one, but also one of the standalones.
I had also played around previously with some single-axis rate gyros.
I believe the Demon Cortex is in a league of its own, though.
I'm pretty excited about trying the Cortex in 'something' but haven't decided yet what that will be.
It will probably be put into my 60" Laser, first... since I know how that one handles already, and I like it plenty well as it is.
After I've had time to get to know and love the Cortex, I'll probably put it into either my 91" Extra or the new 76/85" MXS.
I hooked it up to the PC yesterday just to look at the interface, check for updates, set to digital mode, etc.
Will probably give it a test by next weekend if the weather is nice. I'll definitely report back