Do you have to mount the Cortex so you can see the lights or is there a cable to see if it initialized properly?
How do you adjust the gains?
Cortex will wiggle the surfaces when it is happy although I double check the LED. You could just pick up the tail and move it. You'll see the Cortex compensate for yaw or pitch.
Gain channel on a 3 position switch. Using servo travel as an example: travel value below neutral = gain 1 (low), neutral = off, travel value above neutral = gain 2 (high). I might have the gain numbers backwards, my Tx is downstairs. The more travel below or above neutral, the greater the gain. Very similar to a heli tail gyro (rate gain vs HH mode gain).
Pretty much the reason I have a Cortex - deal with cross wind days. Reduces pilot load and saves SFG's from asphalt burns.
Clear as mud?
Doug B.