3DRCF Moderator
So fellas as I have never owned a 50cc sized plane I can't offer an opinion, but was hoping those who have wouldn't mind sharing what you think is the best 50 out there. One that will do it all equally well.
The old Ford vs Chevy discussion. OK, I'll go first. I have a RedwingRC Yak 55 and an Aero-Works Edge 540. Both are 50cc ships. The Yak is cheaper and comes with CF gear, wing tube, control arms and tail wheel. CF is an upgrade on the Edge. The hardware package on the Aero-Works is awesome where as I had to replace some of the hardware on the Redwing because it failed during installation (pull-pull system was pretty bad). Glue joints failed on the Redwing's cowl on the maiden flight. Edge was a QB series plane which means the aileron and elevator hinges are already glued in. (I like this, but understand some don't). Wing tube did not fit in the Redwing plane out of the box, I had to use a Dremel and sander to get it to fit correctly. Redwing plane was about $200 cheaper than the Aero-Works plane. As for flight characteristics. They both fly GREAT! The YAK tends to wing walk a bit more than the Edge when doing high alpha stuff. I can get the Edge to flat spin easier than I can get the YAK to flat spin. (Probably more an issue with the pilot and not the plane) Would I buy a Redwing plane again? Already have. Would I buy an Aero-Works plane again? Already have. I think the fit and finish of the Aero-Works is better than the Redwing. But saving $200 is worth a little extra build time.
See....Ford/Chevy - I didn't help you a lick did I? :sadface: I've heard great things about Extreme Flight but have no experience with them. Maybe one of the others will chime in.
Oh yeah, I am a Ford truck guy. :thumbup:
OK, Bipe got here first. - Interesting that we both said the Ford/Chevy thing.