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3D BH Design 50% Edge 540


Oh Rob is that real grass in those pics??? Damn my grass still hasn't turned green yet. ...I thought Idaho didn't go green till at least May???
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I like 'em "BIG"!
No decals yet. Been so pre-occupied with balancing issues, I have put most everything else on the back burner.

Can't speak for Utah, but most everything here in Idaho started turning green two weeks ago.


No decals yet. Been so pre-occupied with balancing issues, I have put most everything else on the back burner.

Can't speak for Utah, but most everything here in Idaho started turning green two weeks ago.

Idaho...sorry a geographical sna-fu .....potato capitol of the world..Rob how far are you from Carson City Nevada??? got a niece moving there in a couple of weeks...


I like 'em "BIG"!
Idaho...sorry a geographical sna-fu .....potato capitol of the world..Rob how far are you from Carson City Nevada??? got a niece moving there in a couple of weeks...
Hmm..... It's about 440 miles from Meridian (Boise area) to Carson City. It's quite the town. Not really too far from Sacramento Ca. She moving for work or play? Nevada has some really neat stuff.


Hmm..... It's about 440 miles from Meridian (Boise area) to Carson City. It's quite the town. Not really too far from Sacramento Ca. She moving for work or play? Nevada has some really neat stuff.

Work...she has a masters degree in business and works for the parks and tourism here in Arkansas. I guess she found a job opening doing basically the same thing in Nevada...needless to say her mom ain't too happy about her moving. Did a Google and it's a pretty nice looking place to live...right next door to California...
If you think balancing with a 176 was gonna be a headache, then balancing with a 6 holer would be intense migraine. Going from WAY tail heavy to wickedly nose heavy. 4 more servos in the tail wouldn't help much either.


I like 'em "BIG"!
If you think balancing with a 176 was gonna be a headache, then balancing with a 6 holer would be intense migraine. Going from WAY tail heavy to wickedly nose heavy. 4 more servos in the tail wouldn't help much either.
True, but think of the penetration. It's all in the delivery. LOL...

It would be nice, but hey.... I think I will just stick to something a little more conventional. Like oh, I dunno.... GP is releasing a 246 four cylinder in a month or so. If it runs anything like the 176, then I am pretty certain my power and balancing issues will be solved. It's supposed to turn a 36x14 at around 6500. Then of course there is the new ZDZ 250 J2 that is due out about the same time. Both just a shade lighter than the 3Dub 275. Hmmm....possibilities.