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3D BH Design 50% Edge 540


Staff member
I wish I had the time and patience to sit down and learn Photoshop. But every time I try to use it to design a scheme I just get frustrated and bust out my trusty Magic Markers!


I will be honest, I am NOT a graphic designer by any means, but I can usually create something from a drawing or picture :)


Staff member
Paint.NET is the one graphics program that I can half way use without pulling out the rest of my hair. But it has it's limitations.


I like 'em "BIG"!
When reapplying the vinyl, what bonds it to the covering?

How do you get it to stick again?
Yup....what @ericb said. The adhesive should stay on the vinyl once you remove the graphics from your covering. Just be careful not to touch the adhesive. Or at least as little as possible. The oils in your skin along with other dirt will kill the adhesive.


I like 'em "BIG"!
A few errands today stopped me from getting anything accomplished on the Edge. I did get it "racked" so it will be easier to work on. Removing the wooden plates should be much more accessible and much more simple to get to. I may attack some of it this evening. I also set in motion the final scheme I will use on this big bird. Photos of that should be ready shortly.

racked.jpg plate.jpg plate 2.jpg


I like 'em "BIG"!
I think Big Brother is ready for new clothes. Took care of the clean up on the motor box and since it was already fuel proofed, Washed down with alcohol and painted with textured metallic black paint. Fuse is cleaned up and sanded. Filled the extra holes near the rudder servo bays. A quick wipe down and we'll get to covering. While I am waiting for covering to arrive, I will proceed with removing the checkers from the wings and the stabs. After removing the extra wood in the fuse from previous owner that I will not be using, fuse comes in at a whopping 12 pounds. Without removing any structure or compromising the airframe, I am going to do my best to get this thing as light as I can. Time will tell.

20150206_132738.jpg 20150206_132750.jpg 20150206_132854.jpg 20150206_132929.jpg 20150206_132942.jpg


2 things:

1. You gonna get that blue off the vertical or will your scheme be dark enough not to worry about it?
2. I like your stand, looks like one of those ball/rope games for the lawn beefed up to hold a plane.