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3D BH Design 50% Edge 540


I like 'em "BIG"!
Unfortunately I am not going to make it this year. Things here on the home front just didn't work out the way I was hoping. I thought about at least jumping a plane to come down, however responsibilities are holding me up even from that. Sooo...it is already slated for '16. I have given everyone over a year of advance notice. I will probably take two weeks....enjoy the drive down. Play with ya'll the week of...then enjoy the drive back. And yes, KELLY @49dimes will be coming. Even if I have to make him my roof ornament on my trailer.:devil-dance::devil-dance::devil-dance:


I like 'em "BIG"!
Yep....Life will be good in 2016! Rob and I will hit the road to NALL! And I am bringing something to stick in that pond!!!
Nose first or tail first I don't care!lol
First it's wiggling sticks, now it's dipping something in the pond.... I'm afraid of what comes next. Yikes!


Damn I'm hungry
First it's wiggling sticks, now it's dipping something in the pond.... I'm afraid of what comes next. Yikes!

Swore I heard dipping the wick???? Now "wick dipping" must be done carefully in order that the wick has good penetration through the solidified material of newly formed paraffin. Also will act like a lubricant so be sure to extract the wick very slowly but re-immerse rather quickly for best results. This way the wick swells up nice and big with......

I like making candles.