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3D Big Ailerons


640cc Uber Pimp
I set up my 112 with a servo and I did the 90 with a bell-crank. I like them both, my brain prefers the crank because of being in the habit of manual choke. The servo is very handy though. My only recommendation is to put the choke on a variable input on your TX. I had mine on a momentary button but switched it to a rotary knob. I found that both my engines start like a dream but really like to have about 1/3 choke to start, after about 5-10 seconds open the choke and good to go. On my bell-crank setup I simply don't push it all the way in.


I set up my 112 with a servo and I did the 90 with a bell-crank. I like them both, my brain prefers the crank because of being in the habit of manual choke. The servo is very handy though. My only recommendation is to put the choke on a variable input on your TX. I had mine on a momentary button but switched it to a rotary knob. I found that both my engines start like a dream but really like to have about 1/3 choke to start, after about 5-10 seconds open the choke and good to go. On my bell-crank setup I simply don't push it all the way in.

Terry, Is that from a cold start 1/3 or after a full choke with a pop then 1/3? Thanks for the info.


640cc Uber Pimp
Terry, Is that from a cold start 1/3 or after a full choke with a pop then 1/3? Thanks for the info.

The combination I've found that works consistently for the 112 when cold is to full choke and full throttle, flip till it pops. Ignition off, three more flips. Then ignition on, half choke or a little less, normally 2-3 flips to running. Let run for 5 seconds or so and open choke.

For subsequent startups, same process just one less flip after the pop.

For the ZDZ90 it is much the same only from cold only one flip after the pop with no ignition and full throttle. For subsequent startups I don't flip till it pops or it's already flooded. One flip full choke, full throttle no ignition. Half choke ignition on 1-2 flips. I've been getting pretty consistent 5 flip starts on the 112 and 2-3 flip starts on my engines after the first flight of the day.:way_to_go:


Great info. Thanks Terry, that's what I needed. You always have the good info :way_to_go: Probably going to be ready to fire it up next week.
I have been dragged down by a cold so I’m moving along slow on top of that I decided to do a little custom covering. I don’t know why I get myself into this custom stuff. Probably could have finished the plane by now if I didn’t.

I installed 3/32” dowels next to the engine bolt holes to prevent the plywood from crushing resulting in a loose engine.

The engine box is painted and ready to install the ZDZ. I am keeping the top removable so that I can get to the carb and throttle servo. I am trying to decide whether or not to use a choke servo. Would love to hear some opinions on this from anyone with rear carb ZDZ experience.

I love the Tail Dragger RC plugs for multiple servos. It makes for a clean set up and easy to assemble at the field. I made the fuel tank using Tail Dragger tank hardware. The cap and fittings are great quality. Definately going to use them from now on.

I think I almost have enough elevator at 70 degrees.

I was going to start on the wings yesterday but I am saving them for last.

Thanks for looking, Spats
What did you paint the box with @Spats ?


Ok so I'm over my cold and back from the Lodi huckfest. Ready to go full speed this week and finish it up. I installed the throttle and choke servos. Decided on the choke servo after referring to Terry Wiles and Joe from ZDZ USA.

Engine is on and baffles made. Pilot makes the cowl on the Extra 300 with the baffles as part of the cowl and the builder just needs to trim it around the engine.


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