Well Gentlemen we have a solution to my woes !!!
Faulty im22 unit picking up signal /rf from broken circuit is my best explanation. Replaced with a good ol jr matchbox, checked all connections, none were bound too tight or bent oddly, ran her up and up and up bout 30-40 times and ZERO glitch zero twitch and am now 40% happier and 100% relieved, wont be abke to twst fly till weekend but am solid on the fix.
My friends, id like to thank you all for going through this with me. This place ROCKS and id like to buy you all a nice cold beverage one day.
Secondly, while the cowl was off the needles were adjusted a tad and lets just say.. im exited to see hiw she does next flight. super crisp feel and transition, . Flight report on saturday to confirm the fix.