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Sailplane Blast from the past- revisiting the Gentle Lady


I was able to re-shape the nose a bit with some extra balsa behind the spinner. I'm much happier with the results! Looks like it should!

Its waaay nose heavy right now- and I want to use the bay under the wing for flight batteries. So I'm thinking about recess mounting these two 9 gram micro servos in the tail like a modern ARF. I think they have enough torque, and the parasitic drag should be minimal.

Does anyone have opinions?


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70cc twin V2
I have been trying to come up with an opinion but don't have one. I get confuse with current day micro servos that weigh 9 grams but what's the torque?
What about putting the battery at the rear part of the wing bay where the S148s used to go and then move those slightly forward?
Does it seem like it will balance with your servos as pictured there?


With the servo's where they are sitting in the picture it balances pretty well. Those 9 gram servo's put out about 20 oz/in. The more I think about it, the less I like the idea. It just takes too much meat out of the structure of the tail back there.

I'm going to throw some standard $10 servo's in the back of the bay and see if there is still room under the wing for batteries. If it doesn't balance I might just throw whatever lead I will need in the tail and call it good. I'm going to ballast this plane with batteries anyway, so a little extra weight in the tail won't matter at all.

I just got back from a 2800 mile 4 day round trip with my dad. My trailer is full of ultralight now! I might have to put the Sassy Lady ont he back burner for a bit while I make a living and store the new full scale in the roof of our shop. Went to an EAA meeting today and did show-and-tell. We asked for opinions on the condition of the covering on the wings- the guys covering a Steen Biplane said NO WAY! The guy that knew the designer of the airplane we got said- It could use a re-shrink. The EAA chaper VP and Kitfox flyer said "if you can't put your finger through it, it's fine!" So, who knows. I did get a sample of the full scale Oracover. It's like a solartex/ Polyfiber hybrid without the glue on the backside.

Anyway- here it is. Ugy as sin as it sits- one day I hope to re-cover the wings and paint the fuse to match.


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70cc twin V2
Congrats on the new plane.
You know, you could put some high torque servos in that plane and fly it with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Just saying. lol

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