You going to have a few TDRC 120cc 35% PITTS & TDRC 50cc-60cc Pitts ARF for sale at the fly in? Been looking at them also. Really like the new Orange Scheme alot.
You going to have a few TDRC 120cc 35% PITTS & TDRC 50cc-60cc Pitts ARF for sale at the fly in? Been looking at them also. Really like the new Orange Scheme alot.
Yes we will.. Thanks for asking an the compliment..
As gary said the flyinin is geared towards EF airplanes.. The pitt's however is a different animal altogether.. EF is tops at 3d planes and we by no means plan to compete with EF.. EF rightfully deserve's it 's place for top shelf 3d/extreme aerobatic aircraft.We don't even try to compete.. Just offering something different than 3d airplanes.. Think airshow aerobatics with smoke on and some hi alpha/hovering as well