I've been busy at it again.
I wanted to check how much the cowling rises above the hatch and it's about where I want it. I can enlarge the holes for mounting the lower cowl piece to raise it up or down.
Following that, I glued some strips of 3/32" balsa to level off the tops of the 1/4" spruce with the floor. After letting the glue cure a little, I glued another piece of 1/4" spruce on top of that.
While that cured, I started to work on tracing the bottom of my pilot figure and instrument panel. When I put down the stone paint, I want to keep from applying paint where the pilot and panel go so I have a flat surface to glue to. I just used some pieces of 1/16" balsa I had leftover. I then cut some holes in both the templates and the floors with a piece of sharpened brass. I glued on some lite ply blocks to one side of the 1/16" balsa. I'll be able to tighten and sandwich this down but I'll also be able to move it around if I need to before I paint. More pics will come later.
Lastly, I glued on a strip of 3/32" balsa to sides of the hatch frame. I just did one side and I will do the other later.