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IMAC Build: Dalton Extra 300

Ok, had a busy day yesterday and today at work so last night you could argue that I didn't do anything to the Dalton.

I was trying to figure out the best way to install the pipe mounts and I will need to have the engine and headers on to do so. So I pretty much spent about 30-45 minutes looking and taking various measurements, which is why you could argue I really didn't do anything.

After thinking about it, I think the best route is to go ahead and build a pipe tunnel and include provisions for the pipe mounts.

The big thing/issue was the front pipe mount. But with what I'm thinking about doing for the install/engineering of the pipe tunnel, I would be able to leave the front mount in and just need to make the rear mount removable for getting the pipes into the tunnel. I.E. I might not be able to install them because of the pipe exit tubes so I need to make at least one mount removable.

So I think my plan is to actually make them both removable granted it would be hard to undo screws/bolts on the front mount with the pipes installed. There's plenty of room to stick a hand in the front when the pipes are out so if I can make the rear one removable as well for getting the pipes in and out of the tunnel, then I should be OK. The advantage of making the front removable is to make repairs or adjustments.


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Ok, work has been killing me and I've been on the road a lot. But I'm trying to get back to work on the Dalton 300. I went flying yesterday and decided to make one of the skins for the rudder/vertical fin. I am hoping to get the second one together tonight or at least start on it. My goal is to have the rudder/vertical fin sheeted by next Monday.

I'm having some issues with my DA 60 and it seems like a fuel delivery problem so I need to get it on the bench this week and hopefully figure it out as next weekend may be the last weekend for flying this year.


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I got the 2nd skin done last night. I literally used the one for the right side as a template.

Gotta get it off of the bench tonight so I can put my EF Edge up there and wrench on the motor though.


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Ok, I've been traveling for work and thankfully vacation too. Before I left, I put some weight on the cores to start warping the balsa skins some. I then took a piece of 3/4" MDF at cut it to overlap the vertical stab core. It's warped a little but should flatten out once I put eight on it. I prefer to use 1/2" MDF but had this piece so I'm using it. Might still go get a 1/2" slab of MDF though.


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Got the sheeting for the vertical stab glued on.

For the smaller parts I like to use some double sided tape to hold the skins to the shucks. With as thin as the trailing edge of the vertical stab is on the Dalton, I find it makes it easier to keep the balsa skin where I want it.

Got the poly glue on as thin as I could, sprayed the foam core with a misting of water, and then loaded up some bricks on. I noticed that I wasn't getting good contact on the front edge. So I cut some strips of thin balsa and inserted them under the edge.


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