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Scale Byrons Originals Pitts Special

I finally got around to the maiden flight last week and it was interesting to say the least. As expected, the Pitts is very tricky on the takeoff roll. It took me 3 attempts to get it airborne. The first 2 resulted in what I would describe as spin outs. On the 3rd attempt I got the tail off the ground ASAP and it was much better. The flight itself was surprising in that the roll axis was very slow. As I mentioned previously I only installed ailerons on the bottom wings and I had the throws set very conservatively. That combined with the new engine not yet broken in a produced a flight much slower and tamer than I was expecting. The landing was also a surprise in that it was easy and uneventful. I used a very short final and approach which seems to work best with a Pitts. More after I make some changes.