Defender of the Noob!
Ladies and Gentlemen
It's time to put 2015 (and whatever we can remember from the end of 2014) behind us and begin planning for the 2016 flying season.
To get the ball rolling I'm asking for your input, please nominate clubs or flying sites that are worthy of the greatest Giant Scale RC fun-fly of all time!!! (add a little Captain Chaos when you say that for maximum impact!)
We're looking for the best site, with the best group of people, at the best location, and with a local community that loves to throw a party!
We will consider anywhere in the US....west coast, east coast, southeast, northwest, New Jersey......anywhere!
What are the criteria? The site that we go with should have
- a driving passion for sharing Giant Scale RC with ALL aeromodelers
- experience running a big event
- availability of volunteers
- able to run multiple flying lines and possibly an aero-tow line
- a massive PA system
- plenty of parking
- camping options
- fixed bathroom facilities preferred, porta-potties ok
- experience running a food concession
- close to major highways
- AMA chartered club or alternate form of event insurance
- an overabundance of love for baby ducks
- close to a local community with restaurants, grocery store, daytime/evening entertainment options for the family
- ability to work with to make the event uber-successful
- plus whatever else is necessary to make the event uber-uber successful
Who can bring it the best?? I want to know and I need your nominations now!! Please!
Thank you!!
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