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Camera Woes...


I'm getting spots on my pics. The attached image shows them pretty clearly.

I thought my lens was dirty, but the spots are in the same place even when I switch lenses. That means that the camera itself has dirt in it.

I was just about to ask you how to clean it but then it occurred to me to just friggin' google it.

Here's a good read, figured I'd go ahead and share fwiw.



  • DSC02743.JPG
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GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Chances are you have dust on the sensor itself. My best advice is to take it to a professional who knows how to clean it. Damaging the sensor is very easy to do. It's more worth it to spend 100 bucks to have a pro clean it with the right equipment than having to spend 250+ on having to have the sensor replaced.

FWIW I always keep a can of air with me to blast dust off of the lenses and out from inside the camera whenever I go to events.


70cc twin V2
Yes looks like you need cleaning! Happened to me before, I just took mine in for a tune up last spring. Our local Harold's Photo charges $80 for them to check everything out! Well worth it as I don't want to ruin it myself! I try to be in a safe place when changing my lenses. (in the truck out of the wind!) Hopefully you can get it taking great pics again soon!



I'm getting spots on my pics. The attached image shows them pretty clearly.

I thought my lens was dirty, but the spots are in the same place even when I switch lenses. That means that the camera itself has dirt in it.

I was just about to ask you how to clean it but then it occurred to me to just friggin' google it.

Here's a good read, figured I'd go ahead and share fwiw.


Sure that's spots? Look like UFOs to me... LOL Yeah my wife is somewhat an amateur photographer with some expensive cameras and lenses and I agree it's best to take it in to be professionally cleaned.