Dr. Gonzo
70cc twin V2
I have been looking into doing a 60" electric or 30cc size Gasser for a few weeks now. My rc budget has been weak lately and I finally saved up for an air frame. I am so surprised by how fast air frame sell out or just have not been available for months. It is winter in Michigan and i am in no big hurry. I understand enough about the business to understand the logistic an such. I am still amazed how fast some planes go. I am just looking forward to having one on the bench! I really enjoy rebuilding and repairing small engines so the gasser is a great choice for me. On the other side of the coin my nearest field is 45 min away. Some of you have seen my little field at home. I am lucky enough to be able to fly here! Now the 60" electric is just about perfect for flying at the house. Right now I am down to a 47" shp and a bunch of foamies. Any suggestions? Would it be worth it to wait and go 50cc and stick with a bigger electric for now? Most all the 30cc air frames i am interested in seem to be sold out! I am just frustrated and cant make up my mind. Feeling a little lost as my planned direction always comes up out of stock. Then there is always the wondering "whats coming down the pipe?" thoughts. All in all it is a fun dilemma!
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