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IMAC Delro Raven 3.1M build


70cc twin V2
I don't care for pull/pull. Not that I can tell the difference flying. If I move the servo's to the tail its a arm change of 3 foot. The plane is designed around the old DA 150. I'm going to do the 150L so it will be tail heavy anyway. Maybe I'm just trying to talk myself into a bigger powerplant.:face-palm:

You will need to use the Pull Pull... the nose is fairly short to the CG, vs the tail moment. Pull Pull for the CG.
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70cc twin V2
Matt I know you are busy with the challenger build but if you know the header drop I need I would like to order the engine and headers at the same time. Thanks!


70cc twin V2
IMG_1450.JPG Flight surfaces finished except for drilling my hinges. Hopefully this weekend.
Time to get the fuselage off the floor.
Build is going slow because I'm trying to raise this guy.


New to GSN!
So how will you drill parallel holes for the hinges that draw equally? I was gonna get the CARF su 31 but got tired of waiting long story there um any way!! This plane is still on my mind but still not very sure I'll enjoy the build very much!! The price is good and it's easier to put it together than a jet (another something I'm considering J-10 CARF).. I'm not even finished with my krill extra!!, I think this plane flys perfect provided incidence is set right.. I noticed on the delro site instructions for 3 euros, I wonder if they are more detailed!! These Delors are pretty sweet planes for sure though!!


70cc twin V2
I will post pictures of what I did as soon as I can. If I had to do it over again I would have left the trailing edge of the wing alone and left it flat instead of beveling it but it all worked out. I love working on this plane but life is keeping the progress slow. I am really looking forward to getting this thing flying. I'd never even heard of Delro a year ago now I'm a big fan. I would like to get a Krill also. Unless its updated or something don't waste any money on directions. Its 6 photos with some German underneath that doesn't translate to much.


I have the KS header in mine. they are very good quality!! some pics of my pipe install.. I will be getting on with mine soon. my set up is.
delro raven 3.1M
KS 1090 pipes
futaba bls 172 2x per ail 1x per elevator 2x rudder- direct drive mounted in fuzz under the tailplane
2x futaba 70008 sv Sbus 2x lipo
2x powerbox smart switches

mejzlik 29/12 3 blade


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