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Dle 20


Hey Joe,
I purchased a Velox with a with a DLE 20 installed on it from Gary a few weeks ago and I have been flying it ever since and it is doing great with the exception that at mid range or half throttle I have a significant burble and lower RPM's. When I try to lean out the low end needle to remove the burble, it causes my RPM's to raise at idle for 30+ seconds (around 3300 RPM's) and then settling down to around 1750 RPM's.
Right now I am getting right at 8100 RPM's on the top end so I don't assume there are any issues with that.
Is there something I am doing wrong? Any suggestions to this issue would be much appreciated. :D


Joe's Dad

70cc twin V2
You should start with the high speed needle. It starts to come into play at half throttle.

If the high is rich the idle acts exactly as you describe. And will cause the midrange issues you are having.



Thanks Jim! I will check that out.
I did get to do some flying yesterday and here is what I did.
I propped up from a 17x6 to an 18x6 zoar beechwood to put some more load on the engine. After doing that I adjusted the needles to reach a RPM at WOT of 7400 and an idle of 1700. The RPM transition at idle is slowly getting better as well as the burbling at 1/3 to 1/2 throttle. But that is on the ground! When in the air the burbling is more significant, but better than when I had the 17x6 prop on it. Right now there has been about 2 gallons of gas put threw it with a regular lawn boy oil mixed at 32:1 (1 gallon from Gary and 1 gallon from me). When I finish off the 1/2 gallon I have left I plan on running Sthil Ultra at 40:1. Is that ok to go up in ratio? As TBM suggests staying at 32:1 threw out the engines life. I also noticed some blow back residue from the carb. Is that a sign of too rich?
Also after doing some reading on another thread I found that the issues I am having is a common thing with many of the DLE 20's, and the synopsis of many is to run them and the issues will fade away.
