I called Troy-Built models today and talked to their engine guy Jeff. He's a friendly guy and was willing to chat about my issue.
I explained my issue with the engine dying when inverted and told him what I tried. Here's what we chatted about:
-I can send the motor back under warranty for a free checkup, but they'll just run it upright and inverted on the bench.
-I explained that I ran it inverted on the ground and it ran fine. And I inverted the tank and flew the plane upright and it flew fine. So he thinks the fuel delivery is fine.
-He said the carb doesn't care if it's upside down and many people run it that way because they rotate the carb 180 degrees for ease of linkage hookup. So he thinks the carb is fine (the engine starts easy and has fine and quick transition to full throttle).
Jeff thinks the problem is with airflow (or lack thereof) into the carburetor. His suggestion is to take off the cowl, add weight as needed for CG, and fly inverted.
So I'm going to take off the cowl and fly inverted next weekend!
Three other things I got thinking about tonight that may or may not be an issue:
-I had the "silencer" installed wrong. I doubt it makes much difference, but _maybe_ the silicone tubing was bending over and cutting off the exhaust? So I installed the silencer correctly by pressing the aluminum silencer directly into the exhaust instead of on the end of the silicone.
-I have all the exhaust holes on the bottom of the plane cut out. I'm thinking _maybe_ I have so much cutout there that I'm creating a vacuum when inverted which is starving the carb?
-There is no hole cut in the firewall for the carburetor. The carburetor is only about 1/2" from the firewall.
I'll report back once I get a chance to fly. I'm a working stiff so I only get to fly on the weekend.

Silencer installed WRONG at end of silicone tubing.

Silencer installed correctly in exhaust with silicone tubing to hold it in place.

Vent holes opened up in bottom of plane.

Clearance between carb and firewall.
I explained my issue with the engine dying when inverted and told him what I tried. Here's what we chatted about:
-I can send the motor back under warranty for a free checkup, but they'll just run it upright and inverted on the bench.
-I explained that I ran it inverted on the ground and it ran fine. And I inverted the tank and flew the plane upright and it flew fine. So he thinks the fuel delivery is fine.
-He said the carb doesn't care if it's upside down and many people run it that way because they rotate the carb 180 degrees for ease of linkage hookup. So he thinks the carb is fine (the engine starts easy and has fine and quick transition to full throttle).
Jeff thinks the problem is with airflow (or lack thereof) into the carburetor. His suggestion is to take off the cowl, add weight as needed for CG, and fly inverted.
So I'm going to take off the cowl and fly inverted next weekend!
Three other things I got thinking about tonight that may or may not be an issue:
-I had the "silencer" installed wrong. I doubt it makes much difference, but _maybe_ the silicone tubing was bending over and cutting off the exhaust? So I installed the silencer correctly by pressing the aluminum silencer directly into the exhaust instead of on the end of the silicone.
-I have all the exhaust holes on the bottom of the plane cut out. I'm thinking _maybe_ I have so much cutout there that I'm creating a vacuum when inverted which is starving the carb?
-There is no hole cut in the firewall for the carburetor. The carburetor is only about 1/2" from the firewall.
I'll report back once I get a chance to fly. I'm a working stiff so I only get to fly on the weekend.

Silencer installed WRONG at end of silicone tubing.

Silencer installed correctly in exhaust with silicone tubing to hold it in place.

Vent holes opened up in bottom of plane.

Clearance between carb and firewall.