Oopsie! Actually found something that I needed to modify/change. It happened to be the elevator control horn. The slot for the horn needed to be opened up a smidge, and then the length of the "stud" for the control horn. Had to cut roughly 1/4" off. Everything else fits quiet well. Wing tube goes into the fuse socket easily. Wings fit the tube well. Not overly tight, which is not good in some cases, but in this case, it is very nice! When I set up Chad's at the BG EX3D event, the wings fit the tube extremely tight, could have used a little baby powder. I guess once it is together, he isn't taking it apart.
I have all the control horns gluing up right now, with a dab of Gorirra Grue, and using painters tape to keep the control horns in place.
Chris Hinson and crew definately go WAY above and beyond the call on making sure that these airplanes are top of the line. I can say that other distributors don't go this far. I think in the next couple of years, or airplanes, whichever comes first, my next airplane will be a 104" Extra. All the effort that Chris puts into these airplanes, all the travels he makes to China, it definately shows in these airplanes! Thanks for a great product!