I would like to resurrect this thread.
1. Are there any EMAC events still scheduled?
2. Is anyone else flying electric in any IMAC/EMAC event?
3. There is talk of allowing single senquence flights/twice a round, will this generate some electric interest?
4. What are the current size planes and power systems being used (also flight times)?
I started with an EF 74" Edge last year on A60, 12S and ran 3300 up to 4000 mAh batteries. The power was good and was able to compete fairly well, even with the smaller plane. I flew Basic. This year I fly Sportsman.
Mid year last year I built up an AJ Laser 93", with a Motrolfly 5335. I run 12S and Castle 160HV w/Fan. I have run 10,000 mAh and 8,000 mAh batts. I am about 23-24 lbs loaded. She flies well, but I notice the weight on power elements. For example, I can do a big upwing loop with no issue, but this years Sportsman requires a downwind loop, with a roll at top. When we have a stiff wind, I notice I cannot power into the top of the loops like my gas brethren.
My plan is to start requesting an exemption at contests to allow me to fly a single sequence at a time and cut my batteries to 5000 - 6000 range and lighten my little piggie up. I have the batts coming and will do some flights to see where I can comfortably do one sequence and be as light as possible.
Future plans... I want to get a bigger airframe. But, not sure what. I waffle between getting a 100cc frame and going all out and trying to power a 40%'er. If I did that I would definitely only fly it at single sequence events.
I would love to get a dialogue going and see who all is into this. I love the electric power system and I like to try things. I love flying Aerobatic Competition and I must admit that Pattern has held a little of my interest lately, because of the electric options.
I will also post some stuff at the IMAC site. But, I think this forum would get more eyes and interest. Especially since you don't have to be flying IMAC/EMAC to be interested in bigger power systems!