Hey guys, I would like some input here.
It costs a LOT to cover events and I would like the members input as to which events are important to you.
Obviously Joe Nall is huge... but... what about the rest of the year?
Do XFC, TAS, Nats matter to you guys, or would you rather see resources spent in promoting our own events.
Instead of forcing coverage on you guys we would like your input.
I have spoken with several companies who would help us promote all encompasing (i.e.. all skill levels accommodated) events for 2015 and we could focus on this and still attend some of the majors or we could do coverage on all the big shows and lean out on home brewed shows...
So before we even start the though process on all of this I'd like your personal input!
It costs a LOT to cover events and I would like the members input as to which events are important to you.
Obviously Joe Nall is huge... but... what about the rest of the year?
Do XFC, TAS, Nats matter to you guys, or would you rather see resources spent in promoting our own events.
Instead of forcing coverage on you guys we would like your input.
I have spoken with several companies who would help us promote all encompasing (i.e.. all skill levels accommodated) events for 2015 and we could focus on this and still attend some of the majors or we could do coverage on all the big shows and lean out on home brewed shows...
So before we even start the though process on all of this I'd like your personal input!