this afternoon I was practicing aerobatics with the extra of my club,and in the meantime look what showed up at home

when I destroyed my Carf extra 300 sx a few days ago the engine was also badly damaged,and so Zi CHUN LIN the owner of GP told me to send the 123 back.He fixed it very quickly and now it is back with a little brother
.His service is incredibly efficient,so much in fact as his engines are wonderful.For me if you need a powerful and reliable engine with great service,don t hesitate and go GP
The 61 will go in a 88edge540 extreme flight and the reborn 123 will go in a Krill extra330sc 35%

The 61 will go in a 88edge540 extreme flight and the reborn 123 will go in a Krill extra330sc 35%
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